Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Banner day.  Mark your calenders.  I finished the first draft of Normal Heroes today.  That's right.  It is drafted.  Now for some minor editing and rewriting.  Jump on the bandwagon now to reserve a reviewer copy of the ebook.  You know you want to.   I am so excited to have the major hurdle of the first draft out the way that I am typing this triple speed.  That's like twelve words per minute.  Actually, my typing is a bit faster than that after all this manuscripting.  Is that a word?  It is now!  I am a writer, dammit!  Have the final word count, my gift of useless stats for you:


That will probably change here and there in editing and rewriting, but I will call it final because, well, I have a strong sense of closure with penning the final chapter.  It feels really good.  I deserve cake.  Or possibly pie.  Yes, pie.  Thank you all for supporting me, reading my blogs and my twitters.  Thanks everyone on LitReactor for their words of encouragement and supportive attitudes.  You guys rock.  Yes rock can be a verb, if I want it to.  I am a writer, dammit!  Okay, I am done freaking out for now.  Look for a lot of posts that say "I did some more editing and the book still isn't out yet."  I will try to throw in some wit, sarcasm, self loathing, satire, inoffensive social commentary, and the occasional movie review to keep it from getting too repetitive.  I might go nuts without new chapters to write and try my hand at a short story or two.  Stay pointed at my feed with preferred configuration of electronic information device for further updates and silliness.

A. Mason Carpenter,
a writer, dammit!

1 comment:

  1. Mmm. Pie. (Finishing novel quickly so can have pie too) :)
