Monday, December 12, 2011


Please forgive my extended hiatus from internet communications.  I have been immersed in various media in an assault on my nervous system designed to stimulate my next book and keep the Xmas music at bay. From Grand Theft Auto to the L Word to rereads of the classics of Robert Anton Wilson I have been soaking up cultural input in a non-linear soup.

Normal Heroes is nearly ready for publication. There are still a few sentences here or there that need a bit of scrub and buff, but I am rather pleased with the work as a whole.

My attempt to enlist a talented comic artist to do the cover was a failure, sadly. However, I used my own, rather erratic and bizarre, visual arts talent to slap together a passably eye-catching and hopefully less than hideous cover.  It is loosely based on the cover for Superman #1 and I think it conveys the lowbrow pulp spirit of the entire project.

Not the riot of cartoon boobs I had hoped for, but perhaps it will do.

Look for the impending release of Normal Heroes sometime around the New Year (or, if you use a different calendar for the measurement of the year, seven days past the next new moon.)

Thanks much to all of my followers who refused to let my internet silence be an excuse to stop following, subscribing, or whatever social media catch-tag means they read my posts. Your loyalty is undeserved, your personal appearance is frankly fantastic, and, I am sure, the gods themselves are in total awe of you.


  1. New to your site, so pardon if you've answered this before, but who/how is the novel being published? I ask because I'm looking a publishing options for a novelI hope to have ready for Spring.

  2. The novel, Normal Heroes, will be self-published in electronic format through Amazon, Smashwords, and other electronic outlets. I considered, for a second, attempting to get it published through traditional channels, but I decided that the publishing industry were a bunch of inbred yes-men that would never understand my work. Also, printing my writing may be an insult to trees.
